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2004-12-13 - 16:34:28 send message to rupicola

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2004-12-13 - 16:42:56 send message to rupicola

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Oud Lid
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Oud Lid
2004-12-13 - 17:14:40 send message to oranjekuif

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2004-12-13 - 21:44:33 send message to johanblok

Je hebt gelijk dat de vorm van de snavel qua ontwikkeling het gevolg is van bij de binnenkant van een vrucht willen komen. Echter wat ik aan wil geven is dat dit niets te maken heeft met bepaald gedrag van de papegaai dat bij het ontbreken van een schil niet bevredigd zou worden, zoals in dat engelse stuk gesteld wordt.

Ook ik voer, met name in het voorjaar gekiemd voer. Belangrijk is wel dat het niet beschimmeld raakt, dat vergt de nodige aandacht, maar de vogels vinden het heerlijk.

P.S. Ik heb Darwins boek ooit gelezen, een niet onbelangrijk deel is inmiddels overigens zeker wel achterhaald of staat ernstig ter discussie.

Oud Lid
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Oud Lid
2004-12-13 - 22:50:03 send message to oranjekuif

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2004-12-13 - 23:47:17 send message to Chica

Ik heb toch wel zeer schokkende info over Pretty Bird pellets gekregen...ik neem alles terug wat ik over Pretty Bird in eerste instantie heb gezegd. Dat niemand anders dit artikel heeft gevonden verbaast me eigenlijk, het zou dit topic snel tot een einde hebben gebracht. Ik heb zelf ook dingen gezegd die niet kloppen maar neem iig wel de moeite om het uit te zoeken, dit stukje zou direct iedereen de mond hebben gesnoerd.
groetjes, Ron

Er is onderzoek gedaan naar verschillende pellets en hun slechte toevoegingen.
Pretty bird zat ook in dit onderzoek. Het is helaas in het engels.
Pretty Bird Pellets = ethoxyquin, artifical flavor, salt, added sugar, BHT or BHA

Ethoxyquin is listed and identified as a hazardous chemical by OSHA. It has a rating of 3 on a scale of 1 to 6 with 6 being super toxic requiring less than 7 drops to cause death. When mfg. by Monsanto, the containers are marked with the word POISON. The Dept. of Ag. lists and controls Ethoxyquin as a pesticide. The US FDA has announced that ethoxyquin, as currently regulated is no longer safe for use in dog food. Ethoxyquin promotes kidney
carcinogenesis, significantly increases the incidence of stomach tumors, enhanced bladder carcinogenesis and urinary bladder carcinogenesis. Cancers of this type are the most lethal and fastest acting, the swiftest effects being seen among animals.

Artificial colors:
Most people are aware of toxic side effects of artificial colors and flavors from coal tar derivatives such as Red #40, a possible carcinogen and Yellow #6, which causes sensitivity to fatal viruses in animals.

added as a preservative, salt can irritate the stomach lining, cause increased thirst and aggravate heart and kidney problems through fluid retention

Sugar and other sweeteners:
most common are beet sugar, corn sugar, molasses and sucrose. Used as preservatives and have the side effect of creating sugar addicts in pets. They require almost no digestion and are rapidly absorbed into the blood streatm. They provide sugar highs and subsequent lows (moodiness), inhibit the proper growth of friendly intestinal bacteria and virtually shut down the digestive system while being processed. Also contribute to diabetes and hypoglycemia, cataract development, obesity and arthritis.

Petroleum products used to stabilize fats in foods. In the process of metabolizing BHA and BHT, chemical changes occur in the body. These changes have caused reduced growth rates and white blood cell stimulation. Pets can exhibit reactions such as skin blisters, hemorrhaging of the eye, weakness, discomfort in breathing, a reduction of the body's own antioxidant enzyme and may cause cancer. According to Dr. Wendell Belfield, DVM for some 26 years, both BHA and BHT are known to cause liver and kidney dysfunction and are banned in some European countries.

Found just about everywhere, they are altering our genetic makeup and producing animal and bird mutations.
Most obvious is the assault to our pets health, manifesting itself as cancer. The EPA now considers many previously approved chemicals to be potentially carcinogenic - 60% of all herbicides, 90% of all fungicides and 30% of all insecticides currently being used by farmers. And the pesticides that are banned in this country are shipped to foreign countries who use them on their agriculture and then ship that food back to us for consumption!!!

Dus met een grote boog om dit voer heen!! trouwens een schande dat je deze ingredienten niet terugvind op de verpakking!!

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2004-12-13 - 23:54:00 send message to Jacqueline

happy :)


Vind het top dat je zelf dit gevonden hebt.

wink ;)


Oud Lid
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Oud Lid
2004-12-14 - 07:51:54 send message to oranjekuif

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2004-12-14 - 08:51:58 send message to parkietenpeter

Daar ben ik het dus helemaal niet mee eens, die gedachte wat vele hierover hebben.

In Amerika wordt met dit soort producten, diervoeders, best wel veel 'gerotzooid'.

Altijd goed op je hoede blijven en blijf leren.

Daar is dit soort topics juist heel goed voor.

wink ;) Peter

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2004-12-14 - 09:04:54 send message to johanblok

Goed dat je dat gevonden hebt, maar mag ik er op wijzen dat de meeste zaadmengsels over het algemeen ook niet vrij zijn van pesticiden.

Oud Lid
Posts :1918

Oud Lid
2004-12-14 - 09:54:34 send message to Hawkeye_nl

Dit bericht is 1 keer gewijzigd


Heb je voor mij de url naar dit stuk.
Ik wil het een en ander nog nalezen!

BHT (als concerveermiddel) & kunstmatige kleur en smaakstoffen staan wel op de verpakking vermeld! De overige genoemde stoffen echter niet.


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2004-12-14 - 11:26:45 send message to lorie


onderstaand 1 van jou reacties geplaatst op 12-12

Een hele grote lori kweker heeft al zijn vogels op deze pellet en is meer dan tevreden over de resultaten. Het voornaamste is dat de vogels een veel betere ontlasting krijgen ipv die natte spuitbagger.

Ik zou wel eens willen weten:

Wie is deze kweker???
Worden deze pellets dagelijks gegeven of om de dag?
Wordt dit nog aangevuld met nectar,fruit etc.???

Het voornaamste is dat de vogels een veel betere ontlasting krijgen ipv die natte spuitbagger.

Hoop niet dat dit de enige reden is dat men lories omzet op pellets. (lees: gemak voor de mens). Kun je mijn inziens beter niet voor lories kiezen.

Trouwens waarom zou een vastere ontlasting beter zijn dan "natte spuitbagger: ?????????????
Lories zijn nou eenmaal nectar eters.

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2004-12-14 - 11:57:15 send message to Chica

Dit bericht is 1 keer gewijzigd

Dit stukje heb ik in mijn mail gehad van iemand die ook onderzoek deed naar pellets, de url heb ik dus niet zo snel voor je.
Wel nog wat aanvullend materiaal dat bij het stuk hoort en aangeeft wat er in diverse merken aan toevoegingen zit.
mvg, Ron

List of Pellet Comparisons and the toxic they contain

The following is a list of popular pellets and the artificial ingredients they may contain. More information can be found at the following website that provides a Comparison of Avian Pellet Manufacturers

Abba & Abba 1500A = ethoxyquin, artificial color and flavor

Avi-Sci Parrot Maintenance Pellets = ethoxyquin

Hagen Tropical Pellets = natural color, salt

Hagen Tropical High performance Pellets = natural flavor, salt

Harrison's Pellets = organic

Kaytee Pellets = ethoxyquin, artificial color, natural favlor, salt, bht or bha

Kellog Pellets = ethoxyquin, artificial flavor, salt

Lafeber Pellets = ethoxyquin

Lafeber Nutriberries = ethoxyquin

Lefeber Avi Cake Treats = ethoxyquin

L&M Pellets = ethoxyquin, artificial color and flavor

Pretty Bird Pellets = ethoxyquin, artifical flavor, salt, added sugar, BHT or BHA

Roudybush Pellets = ethoxyquin

ZuPreem Pellets = all-natural, sugar

Breeders Blend Pellets = artificial flavor, salt

Scenic = salt

Goldenfeast (natural state food) = all natural approx. 23 ingredients

Noah's Kingdom (natural state food) = all human grade 47 ingredients

Nearly all pellets have synthetic vitamins and minerals and are heat processed so the nutrient value is substantially gone by the time our birds eat it.

Ethoxyquin is listed and identified as a hazardous chemical by OSHA. It has a rating of 3 on a scale of 1 to 6 with 6 being super toxic requiring less than 7 drops to cause death. When mfg. by Monsanto, the containers are marked with the word POISON. The Dept. of Ag. lists and controls Ethoxyquin as a pesticide. The US FDA has announced that ethoxyquin, as currently regulated is no longer safe for use in dog food. Ethoxyquin promotes kidney
carcinogenesis, significantly increases the incidence of stomach tumors, enhanced bladder carcinogenesis and urinary bladder carcinogenesis. Cancers of this type are the most lethal and fastest acting, the swiftest effects being seen among animals.

Artificial colors:
Most people are aware of toxic side effects of artificial colors and flavors from coal tar derivatives such as Red #40, a possible carcinogen and Yellow #6, which causes sensitivity to fatal viruses in animals.

Petroleum products used to stabilize fats in foods. In the process of metabolizing BHA and BHT, chemical changes occur in the body. These changes have caused reduced growth rates and white blood cell stimulation. Pets can exhibit reactions such as skin blisters, hemorrhaging of the eye, weakness, discomfort in breathing, a reduction of the body's own antioxidant enzyme and may cause cancer. According to Dr. Wendell Belfield, DVM for some 26 years, both BHA and BHT are known to cause liver and kidney dysfunction and are banned in some European countries.

Found just about everywhere, they are altering our genetic makeup and producing animal and bird mutations.
Most obvious is the assault to our pets health, manifesting itself as cancer. The EPA now considers many previously approved chemicals to be potentially carcinogenic - 60% of all herbicides, 90% of all fungicides and 30% of all insecticides currently being used by farmers. And the pesticides that are banned in this country are shipped to foreign countries who use them on their agriculture and then ship that food back to us for consumption!!!

The fruits and veggies most susceptible to contamination from pesticides are listed in the order of highest risk of contamination: strawberries, bell peppers (green, red, yellow), spinach, cherries, peaches, cantaloupe (from Mexico), celery, apples, apricots, green beans, grapes and cucumbers.

Propylene Glycol:
used as a de-icing fluid for airplanes, this chemical is added to food and skin products to maintain texture and moisture as well as inhibiting bacteria growth. It also inhibits the growth of friendly bacteria in the digestive system by decreasing the amount of moisture in the intestinal tract leading to constipation and cancer. It can affect the liver and kidneys and causes the destruction of red blood cells. Read your labels, on your food and beauty products, as well as your birdie treats. This stuff is everywhere!

added as a preservative, salt can irritate the stomach lining, cause increased thirst and aggravate heart and kidney problems through fluid retention.

Sodium Nitrite:
used in the curing of meats, this substance participates in a chemical reaction in the body that becomes carcinogenic. It is used also in pet foods to add color.

Sugar and other sweeteners:
most common are beet sugar, corn sugar, molasses and sucrose. Used as preservatives and have the side effect of creating sugar addicts in pets. They require almost no digestion and are rapidly absorbed into the blood streatm. They provide sugar highs and subsequent lows (moodiness), inhibit the proper growth of friendly intestinal bacteria and virtually shut down the digestive system while being processed. Also contribute to diabetes and hypoglycemia, cataract development, obesity and arthritis.

Note on feather plucking:
There are several dietary considerations. One is the presence of salt in the diet. Many parrots consultants believe that artifical colors and preservatives contribute to feather grooming disorders. You may also want to consider that your bird may have an allergic reaction to some artificial colors, flavors and preservatives.

Our bird's health is only as good as the strength of their immune system. By enhancing their diets and eliminating the toxic elements in their foodand water and air (smoke from cigarettes, burning food, chemical cleaning agents, candles, chemical coatings on cookware, irons, toasters, etc.), we can greatly strengthen their immune systems.

Birds have a high metabolic rate and parrots require a diet rich in complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, legumes, fruits and veggies with their abundance of vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Enzymes are found in fresh, uncooked foods (not found in heat processed pellets). Enzymes assist in proper digestion, maintaining health and proper metabolic function.

The dry, convenient pellets have been denatured, then the essential synthetic nutrients are added back. They are devoid of enzymes which are life promoting elements. While they may maintain life, they do not promote optimum health or longevity. They also produce increased absorption of water from the digestive system, water than is not easily replaced by just drinking.

Also something I just ran into recently and have just started writing about is the use of dried fruits in many of our bird mixes. All of the dried fruit is preserved with sulphur dioxide which gives it a very rich pleaseable color. Now because the people that sell bird food usually only mix bags of ingredients together to make a completed mix, by law they can say that there are no additives or preservatives because they did not do the adding but where they buy their dried fruits do add this chemical. Naturally dried fruits have a shelf life of approx. 4-5 weeks, while preserved with sulphur dioxide the fruit will last up to a year and we don't know the long term effects. The "HACSG" (Hyperactive Children's Support Group) strongly recommends not to use this with children and it can cause allergic reactions as well, goodness knows what it could do to our birds. Could be one reason some of our birds are plucking or picking feathers. Now the manufacturers will tell you its harmless but my research tells me to keep this away from our fragile birds.

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2004-12-14 - 12:27:59 send message to rupicola

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Oud Lid
Posts :464

Oud Lid
2004-12-14 - 12:50:03 send message to oranjekuif

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